Tag: magnolia

Magnolia sargentiana

Tucked away in the upper woodland garden and easily missed is Magnolia sargentiana. Not as prolific a flowerer as Magnolia ‘Charles Raffill’, the flowers it does produce are…

Magnolia sieboldii ssp. sinensis

This beautiful Magnolia sieboldii ssp. sinensis is currently flowering in the copse area of RBGE. Click photos to enlarge.

Traditional bedding

The two strips of planting leading into the Temperate Palm House represent spring bedding at its best. These two cultivars; Polyanthus ‘Crescendo Yellow’ and Tulip ‘Purple Prince’ make…

Something new

Luckily the Nursery suffered less damage to its infrastructure than the main Garden. However, the skin of one of the largest tunnels was completely blown off. Fortunately, there…

Colour in the copse

The path leading into the copse from the south is the most colourful approach to this area of the garden. The mass of of yellow with a comparable…

Siebold’s autumn selection

The autumn colours are setting in through the deciduous canopy. Two named in honour of Philipp Franz von Siebold, 1796 – 1866 who contributed greatly to the collection…

Review of the year

A year of snowfall; snow fell of a quality not seen in Edinburgh for several years. On the 9th February; we even resorted to attaching the snow plough…

Salad days

Magnolia acuminata, also known as “The Cucumber Tree”. It takes this common name from the shape and appearance of the fruit which swells to resemble a cucumber after…

Stellar stellata

Native to Japan and suited to the borders of all gardens, Magnolia stellata is the representative of this genus to cultivate where space limits the height and spread…

New life after a harsh winter

After the ravages of winter and the alternating low and rising temperatures, growth is now beginning to move on plants. In the borders, damage on overwintered growth is…

Highlights: 21.5.07

Magnolia sieboldii: Wild collected by Holmberg and Strindberg, Japan, Korea. Spicy scent from the flowers Magnolia sieboldii ssp. sinensis: Larger plant, native to China, S.W. Sichuan. Flowers hang down,…

Highlights: 23.4.07

Exochorda x macrantha on the north side of the pond. Spikes of white flowers Sophora microphylla A New Zealand legume, towering out of the sunken courtyard North of…

Highlights: 8.4.07

Trio of Magnolia cylindrica on the Chinese Hillside and two M. kobus at the view point Prunus ‘Spire’ on the Birch Lawn, centre road Lysichiton americanus – yellow…

Highlights: 2.4.07

The magnolias continue to impress. The following three white-flowered species are on the east side of the Copse: M. stellata from Japan, Honshu M. denudata from Eastern China…

Highlights: 26.3.07

M. campbellii: large pink flowers at the top of the tree, H10 M. ‘Charles Raffill’: an improved hybrid between M. campbellii and M. campbellii ssp mollicomata, F30 M….

Highlights: 23.3.07

Visitors to the Caledonian Horticultural Society Show at the caly hall this weekend will be interested in: Magnolia sprengeri var. elongata: seen from the road walking west past…