All the way from the South Korean countryside, Aristolochia manshuriensis is worth growing against a west facing wall for the unusual flower structure. The calyx is an inflated s-shape gaining the genus the name “Dutchman’s Pipe”. It sits prominently at a leaf joint complementing the rapidly expanding new growth from this deciduous woody climber.
Only 70 – 80mm in length its outwardly yellow shades, with light red marking on the throat attract attention but once the calyx is cut open marvel at the insect attracting kaleidoscope of colours within.
The stem looks older than its years due to a cracking and fissuring habit from the base upwards. Clothed in heart shaped leaves, thick in texture. Native to East Asia this plant was grown from seed collected at 440m in the Soraksan National Park in the Republic of Korea where it was growing in open granitic soil.
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