- Recommend the view to the Pentlands, with a dusting of snow and clear sky the hills stand out today
- Forsythia x intermedia ‘Lynwood’, D44
- Mahonia polyodonta, SBEC collection, F10
- Pieris formosa, H09
- Corylopsis sinensis var. calvescens: a dusty scent evident around the plant, C06
The rhododendron season is starting:
- R. macbeanum: yellow blooms, N.E.India, F15
- R. ririei: an early Forrest collection, F15
- R. strigillosum x praevernum: in the Ponticum section, C06
- R. cinnamomeum var. roseum, F10
- R. lanigerum, F10
- R. floccigerum: from S.W. China, in the Copse, C21
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