Galanthus ‘Lady Beatrix Stanley’ is the first snowdrop of the season, the promise of spring. After the week of storms and heavy rain, the snowdrops are opening to remind us that days are lengthening and the sun will warm the air and dry out the soil.
This cultivar has G. caucasicus parentage, double flowers, the outer petals white with the inner spotted green at the tips. The leaves have a glaucous bloom.
This is the time to remind you of the Scottish Snowdrop Festival, Friday 1 February – Sunday 16 March. A visit to Edinburgh, Dawyck, Logan or any of the other participating gardens is highly recommended.
At this time of year, be aware of spring bulbs growing through lawns and grassland when visiting our Gardens and working in your own garden. Established clumps of daffodils will have started to put out fresh roots from the dormant bulb in August of the previous year. The foliage is now well developed and showing amongst the grass. This is vulnerable to foot traffic damage. Similar advice applies when the lawns are frosted – if possible, stay off them as once the frost lifts your tracks remain as blackened footprints; the defining line of the wheelbarrow is worse still!
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