A week of heavy snow and no real thaw has resulted in a build up of snow on foliage through the garden. Keep an eye on evergreens where the weight of snow may cause snapping of limbs and branches. Take a look at roofs of glasshouses and poly tunnels. Again remove excess build up of snow where possible. The structural integrity of some structures may be compromised by the additional weight of this dense white mass.
Alpines are snug beneath their blanket of snow. When the forecast deep cold and wind chill arrives as this month progresses the full benefit of a deep snow cover is realised. Low growing plants are protected from the worst of the temperatures beneath the white blanket.
Birds are desperate for shelter and a food source in this weather. This is when hedges and the relatively protected ground beneath show their value. Birds are able to pick through the leaf litter along the length of hedges scuffing the leaves about for grubs and bugs.
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