The path leading into the copse from the south is the most colourful approach to this area of the garden.
The mass of of yellow with a comparable heavy scent is Corylopsis sinensis var. calvescens. The blue ground cover is Pulmonaria angustifolia ‘Munstead Blue’. Lift the gaze and take in the white canopy of the Magnolia kobus and Magnolia salicifolius.
Deeper in the copse the deep red’s of Rhododendron neriiflorum ssp. neriiflorum and Rhododendron sperabile var. weihsiense were both collected in SW China.
This image shows the floral parts of Magnolia salicifolius with three of the six pure white petals removed. A native of Japan where the mature tree will exceed 6m x 6m in height and canopy spread. It prefers full sun with the root run through a dry stony medium loam. Here it associates with broadleaved woodland composed of Fagus, Betula, Sorbus and Acer species at an altitude of c. 900 metres.
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