Designed, planned and planted by the three Horticulture Apprentices the potager is a collection of vegetables and flowers; in effect a flowering vegetable garden with origins in France.
The winter months were spent pouring over seed catalogues; as spring arrived seeds were sown and the seedlings pricked out. Once hardened off planting out took place.
Growth was held back this year due to the coolness of the season and low sunlight levels. The brassicas were almost stripped of their leaves by Pigeons.
Height is provided by Sweet Pea cultivars ‘Matucana’ and ‘Almost Black’. Carrot ‘Black Night’ and the smooth leaves of Beetroot ‘Bulls Blood’ adding foliage shape texture and colour. Look out for the Pea ‘Purple Podded’, dark black pods contains seed of a contrasting paleness, yet with the sweet taste of the best garden pea.
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