Cacalia aff. delphiniifolia

Cacalia aff. delphiniifolia

A collection from China is growing opposite the pond lawn. Cacalia aff. delphiniifolia (aff. means ‘akin to’ used in plant nomenclature) loves an area of bare soil within a woodland fringe. However, take a look at the red tinged arching shoots that are sent out from the parent plant. This is a strong growing, colonising herbaceous perennial. If you choose to plant it, then an annual clearance from the bases of shrubs and root zones of other herbaceous material is essential otherwise expect domination. Attractive foliage in the shape of divided leaves. The terminal flower spike is multi-budded, opening white. Needing good light to flower, those plants on the edge of the border producing strong stalks. As the shade deepens, little or no sign of flower spikes.

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