The Genus is just the start. As plants are collected in the field they arrive back at the Botanics with collectors notes; some detailed, some not so. These Roses were collected a seed in China. The parent plants were growing on the edge of mixed tree and shrub woodland between 2000 and 3000 meters. Associated vegetation was Rhododendron, Acer, and Sambucus with ground flora, Anaphalis, Rumex, Plantago, and Polygonatum. Having grown on the seed to planting out stage we then it to flower. A specimen is then taken to the Herbarium for verification. Once this is completed the entry in BG-BASETM (the gardens plant data base) is updated and the label engraved.
Below just are some of the species roses in flower in the Chinese Hill Side.
Click here to search the RBGE living collections catalogue for “Rosa”.
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